ComplianceCOVID-19 Responding To The Coronavirus Although the CDC has released new safety guidelines for individuals who have been fully vaccinated,…Dr. John DavenportAugust 11, 2021
ComplianceInsurance Coding The Use and Understanding Of X{EPSU} Modifiers I've been getting a lot of questions about the -59 modifier and the new X…Dr. John DavenportMay 18, 2021
ComplianceInsurance Coding Preparing For Significant Revisions To E/M Office Visits 2021 In part one of this article we learned that starting January 1st, the American Medical…Dr. John DavenportJanuary 7, 2021
ComplianceInsurance Coding Preparing For Significant Revisions To E/M Office Visits 2021 Starting January 1st, the American Medical Association (AMA) implemented major changes to the 2021 Current…Dr. John DavenportDecember 15, 2020
ComplianceCompliance Consultant Compliance Consultant Explains Active Treatment As a compliance consultant,I find that a high percentage of chiropractors are guilty of providing…Dr. John DavenportOctober 18, 2017
Department of Health and Human ServicesMedicare Changes To the Advance Beneficiary Notice of Non-Coverage The Advance Beneficiary Notice of Non-Coverage (ABN), is a notice given to Medicare beneficiaries to…Dr. John DavenportJune 19, 2017
ComplianceMedicare Get Ready for Medicare Provider Enrollment Revalidation Section 6401 (a) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act established a requirement for…Dr. John DavenportMay 26, 2017
ComplianceInsurance Coding Locum Tenens and Compliance As the compliance officer for Compliance & Auditing Services, I receive questions from chiropractic physicians…Dr. John DavenportMay 7, 2017
Department of Health and Human ServicesMedicare Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 Starting with the reporting year 2017, the current fee for service method of reimbursing physicians…Dr. John DavenportJanuary 2, 2017
Department of Health and Human ServicesMedicare Immediate Action Required: Health Care Providers MUST Comply! Immediate Action Required by Health Care Providers to Comply With Section 1557 of the Affordable…Dr. John DavenportNovember 23, 2016